Fierce Upper Body Build || 36min
40-60 MIN
A challenging upper body strength session, combining arms, core, shoulders and chest. Expect a power sequence you can join with just a mat and set of weights. *Music-free.
- Mat
- Medium Weights
Up Next in 40-60 MIN
Feel-Present Pilates & Meditation || ...
A strong Pilates flow and meditation to help you ground, calm the mind and feel present. Meet yourself on the mat while tapping into compassion and gratitude, making this your self-care moment of the day.
- Mat -
Lower Body x Core Strength || 39min
A fierce timer-based strength workout and absolute burner. You will commit to one circuit (5 exercises), which you'll repeat for 4 rounds: 45sec work / 15sec rest. Ending with a fiery core finisher. *This workout is both gym-proof and includes home-friendly options.
- Mat
- Heavy Du... -
Total Body Strength || 41min
An energy boosting total body strength session to build & tone. Expect a challenging workout to bring along to the gym—with home-friendly options for limited equipment.
- Bench or Mat
- Medium Weights
- Heavy Weights