Indoor Cycle classes, ranging from Elevate Ride (rhythm rides) to Tabata and Interval rides (endurance focused).

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  • On Your Terms — Elevate Ride || 60min

    Rowen inspires you to drop the need to live on anyone else's terms but your own. On this 60 minute ride we're showing up authentic and courageous— finding strength in vulnerability. Expect advanced choreography, a few weights tracks and a strong diversity in rhythm and resistance. You'll be leavi...

  • Tech House + Techno Ride — Insane Intervals || 30"

    Clip in for a challenging ride focused on building endurance and improving your athletic performance. You'll end class feeling breathless and strong, ready to take on a new challenge. Theme Ride: Tech House & Techno
    Class Signature: insane, stamina, techno, max out

    - Stationary Bike

  • Vulnerability is Brave — Elevate Ride || 45min

    Authenticity is magnetic, vulnerability is brave— Clip in for an energetic and moving ride, packed with pushes, intervals and tap backs. We're exploring the meaning of vulnerability as we find playfulness in being in the moment. The perfect ride to reset your mind and heart to what truly drives y...