Six Days Sane

Six Days Sane

Six sessions you can always turn to, to help elevate your state of being.
Let’s dedicate these next 6 days to no one other than yourself—the six day self-care program created to help you turn within, and uplift your mind and body.

For me personally, it was really during the pandemic that I started understanding the importance of investing time, attention and love into my mental health. It’s truly the foundation of everything; the condition of our minds. What I found is that everyone has different needs: some need daily meditation, others prefer a weekly walk through the park. My intention with 6 Days Sane is to give you a week’s worth of sessions—accessible anywhere, anytime—to elevate your state of mind. Take what you need, on your terms: do what works for you.

- Follow the Six Days Sane calendar day by day, or take the lead and choose your personal daily picks.
- Choose one of the two Affirmations episodes, each day: whichever speaks to you most.
- Take what you need, leave what you don't.
*Download the Six Days Sane accountability calendar to keep track of your me-time.

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Six Days Sane
  • Six Days Sane Calendar + Tracker

    265 KB

    Download the Six Days Sane Calendar + Tracker to keep track of your journey.

  • Morning Affirmations — Feel Unstoppable || 6min

    Getting ready for the day, or on your way to work? Listen to these morning affirmations to elevate your mood and feel unstoppable.

  • Morning Affirmations — Own the Day || 7min

    Getting ready for the day, or on your way to work? Let these affirmations elevate your morning routine and help you own the day before it even started.

  • The Wake Up Flow || 16min

    A powerful, energizing total body sculpt and tone flow; to start your day feeling vibrant.

    - Mat

  • Relaxing Stretch & Journal || 19min

    A relaxing, meditative stretch to help you unwind, followed by an uplifting journal exercise to elevate your state of being.
    These simple journal questions can help you find out what truly lights your fire, and how to create more of that in your life.

    - Journal & Pen
    - Mat/Pillow (opt...

  • Power Pilates — Love Your Body || 22min

    This Power Pilates sequence empowers you to move, embrace and love your body.
    Expect a strong and playful sculpt workout, focused on building a loving relationship with your body.

    - Mat

  • Confidence & Energy Boost Meditation || 10min

    Ten uplifting minutes, to close your eyes and call in to your most vibrant you.

  • Pilates Flow + Soulful Stretch || 32min

    A mind- and body focused Pilates flow, followed by a soulful stretch and meditation. The perfect class to recharge the body while calming down the mind.

    - Mat

  • Slow Down & Restore || 12min

    Take these 12 minutes just for you, to serve your soul, slow down and restore the body and mind.

    - Mat/Blanket (optional)